
Reps Pass Bills Extending Implementation Of 2023 Budget

He informed that the bills are the 2023 Appropriation Amendment Bill, 2024, and the 2023 Supplementary Appropriation Amendment Bill, 2024.

Military Kills 2, 245 Terrorists, Apprehends 3,682 Others In 3 Months

The Director, Defence Media Operations, Major-General Edward Buba made this known while briefing newsmen on the operations of the military in the second quarter yesterday in Abuja.

Minimum Wage: Let’s Pay According To Our Ability – Southern Governors 

In their 16 points Communique, the Forum called for strengthening of fiscal federalism and devolution of powers and expressed concern over current practices where mineral licenses are issued and explorations undertaken without recourse to State governments. 

West African Defense Chiefs Propose $2.6 Billion Security Plan

Defense chiefs of West Africa on Thursday, June 27 proposed a plan to deploy a 5,000-strong “standby force” to fight the region’s worsening security...

Israel Storms Gaza City Neighbourhood, Orders Palestinians To Go South

Israel stormed a neighbourhood in Gaza City on Thursday, telling Palestinians as the tanks moved in that they must move south, and bombed the...


